Columbia-based attorney serving small businesses statewide
The path taken in business is as important as the destination. To reach the right destination, you must take the right path. To take the right path, you must aim at a worthy destination and practice fiscal, creative, technological, ethical, and legal discipline along the way.
With this circularity of destination and path in mind (the zen of business),I have helped thousands of businesses (from start-ups, to growth-stage businesses with 100 employees or less, to investment companies capitalized with tens of millions of dollars) awaken to new possibilities, as well as to anticipate, prevent, or overcome the unwelcome bumps and twists along the way.
In addition to more than 15 years of experience in business legal matters, I am a former President &Chair of the South Carolina Small Business Development Center Advisory Board, former legal counsel to the Executive Board of the Central South Carolina and Charleston Better Business Bureau, as well as a former counselor to small businesses through SCORE.
I offer traditional legal services in Columbia, services in Greenville and Charleston through Satellite (Unstaffed) Offices by appointment, and Virtual Legal Services (VLS) statewide.
Virtual legal services help clients avoid the costly inefficiencies and inconveniences of a traditional law practice by shifting the attorney-client interface to telephone and e-mail communications, rather than in-office consultations, creating an ongoing attorney-client relationship that is more flexible and integrated into the work-flow of each client business at substantially less cost.
Current fees are:*Rates may change from time to time.
Contact me for more information regarding the potential cost of any specific legal matter
Columbia, SC: 803.223.9742 (main office)
Greenville, SC: 864.297.4568 (satellite office & VLS)
Charleston, SC: 843.628.6820 (satellite office & VLS)
Get answers now to your important legal questions and concerns.
Small Business Law Firm, LLC
1635 Sunset Boulevard
West Columbia, South Carolina 29169
Attorney Brian Payne is responsible for this advertisement
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